Monday, 1 November 2010


Yesterday saw the Life Tick total rise to 196 .
The scoped sighting of a Brambling (I know) Fringilla montifringilla in the trees with a mixed flock at Menabilly Barton was greeted with high-fives and great satisfaction.

I would now like to reach the 200 hundred before the year is out but at the present rate it will take a lot of luck.


  1. Congratulations Trevor, it is always such a thrill to see something new :) Our garden seemed to be full of Bramblings about three years ago in the Winter, they visited every day for weeks and weeks. I didn't have a decent camera then and needless to say I have never seen even one since!

  2. Thanks Jan. We had the same experience with Siskins the year before last. Last year no sign of them.


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