Sunday, 24 October 2010

One State to Go.

Special thanks to the visitor from Fairbanks Alaska today. That leaves me with just a visit from the state of Delaware to complete all the American states.


  1. Well done with that Trevor. Quite an achievement, and deserved too.
    I doubt it will be long before you get a 'full set' ;)

  2. Thanks Keith.

    It is rewarding to know that the blog atracts people from all over the world...I have had 102 different countries visit the blog and I look daily to see if I have had another one. I think Delaware may evade me for a while yet but that is part of the fun.

  3. You was on the button Keith.

  4. Congratulations, I don't think I have all 50 states visited on my blog. I love your blog, I'm Steve from the State of Utah in the USA and just return from a visit to Germany and Italy where I added over 30 new birds to my life list. I have added your blog to my list of blogs I follow. Happy Birding


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