Saturday, 3 April 2010

Eurasian Jay

Eurasian Jay .......Garrulus glandarius.
Taken yesterday at a private site.
Pity the branches and twigs spoilt the photograph. I do hope to improve on this as it is a regular at the site.


  1. That's a great picture Trevor, the branch could move and maybe we can see it.

  2. Trevor, I saw my first one the other day and would have been grateful for a shot as good as this.

  3. Thanks Bob. Yes it was a great pity as I was hoping for a nice clean shot...but he was fifty yards plus away so I was a little surprised how well it turned out.

  4. Hi Adrian. Thanks. I saw the Jay on the ground at the same spot a few days ago. I was using the car for a hide....alas even though I saw it five times ..that was the closest he came.
    Tried again today but did not see him.


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