Friday 3 July 2009


Fulmar..................Fulmarus glacialis
A tube-nosed petrel with very weak legs that spends most of its life out at sea.


  1. We have a petrel in Bermuda called the Cahow (Pterodroma cahow). You have great pictures on your blog.

  2. Lovely Image Trevor,well done.
    I see that your Patch seems to be extending.
    Good coverage,pays dividends.
    More birds for the pot.

  3. Thank you for the comments Prospero. I will be taking a peep at yours shortly.

  4. Hi John

    Well I do not know about the patch but the blogs have extended to five although one of them is laying dormant, one is for my special photographs but the other three, Baywatch, Abbey of Astoend and this one generally are updated every day so you can see it is very time consuming especially as Angie needs to do her blog also. Still what you say is correct and you can see yourself how your moths have taken off. Well done John and Sue.


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