Friday, 6 March 2009

Not feeling like Fridays normally do...

My usual Friday feeling has not hit the spot just yet… the humdrum has stalked me into the weekend! It has been a bad day :-(
I did not check out the roof at work and have been far too preoccupied to watch for birds on my travels to work and back.
My boss is sunning herself in Spain… it has been a hard week, with another to come - you deserve it though mate and as you are checking out my blog on the laptop and sipping Pina Coladas (have one for me) - all is well ;-)
Back to birding and I went out at 5.45am this morning… up stream… walking (I need the exercise). It was lovely… frosty… and as the sun came up I took some shots (which the Abbot says are not good enough!)
To top that I did not hear my “newby” at all, but I did hear and see the Wren (amongst others) which always lifts my spirit and I shall be out again tomorrow for sure.
I returned to the garden at 6.50am and I need danger money for sitting in my garden these day’s. I wish those male Blackbirds would let the females be, once they have found the right man for the job! 4 of them frantically chased a female to go underground this morning…. Hiding beside me under the cover of a planter… she looked up at me and I beckoned her when the coast was clear… her chosen man was waiting patiently!
Here’s my list (including a couple from the walk up stream): C Crow 4, Wren 2, Woodpigeon 4, Chaffinch 2, B Tit 1, Blackbird 7, Songthrush 2, Jay (heard), Goldfinch 2, LT Tit 2, Magpie 2, H Gull 2, H Sparrow 8, Gt Tit 2, Robin 1 (but more heard), Starling 9, Blackcap 1 (F), Dunnock 1, Goldcrest 1, C Dove 1.
Who knows what tomorrow and Sunday holds in store for me… let’s hope its all good and I can return to work feeling fulfilled!

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