Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Bad weather... disappointment... but not giving up hope!

I was up & in the garden, dressed like an Eskimo & feeding stations full at 6am this morning in my bid to catch the newby I heard yesterday! The conditions were unbelievable. It was freezing, hailing, a car alarm was sounding intermittently nearby, the dog could sense my excitement & anticipation & so would not leave me alone in the garden, it was refuse collection day so the neighbours would be scurrying about earlier & the Blackbirds, Starlings & Sparrows were causing so much commotion, it was hard to concentrate! I was so frustrated, deflated and desperate by the time I went to work, & my fingers were still numb, even though I had a hot shower!
Consequently this bird has eluded me, even to the point of recording it on my mobile! I could hear it up stream in the distance so I know it is still there. I have every intention of getting up at 5.30am tomorrow & going under cover, over the fence if I have to & up stream! Its not ideal in the dark & in the undergrowth, but I have to try. If I don’t put my entry on the blog tomorrow night you will know that a neighbour has seen something skulking about and I have been arrested under suspicion of something. Mind you at 4ft 11“ I don‘t think there is much chance of being spotted down there so I may just get away with it! However, if I slip on a wet rock at the side of the stream & hit my head, I will probably be in Treliske with concussion (if they find me in time, as I am the one who gets the Abbot & mother out of their beds with tea & a joyful “good morning“!).
I walked the dog this evening & went back out again (remember what I said about dog walking and birding!). I had it, in the undergrowth, singing like nothing I have heard before. I was 10ft & no more from it… & then I heard another, up stream, replying! Tried to record it on my mobile, but the stream is too lively. Tomorrow is another day I thought…
My list for today is: C Crow 2, Robin 2, Woodpigeon 4, Magpie 3, Gt Tit 2, Blue Tit 2, H Sparrow 7, Dunnock 2, Chaffinch 5, Starling 14 (& too noisy), Blackbird 6, H Gull, 2, Blackcap (F), Songthrush 1, Coal Tit 2, LT Tit 2, Goldfinch 2, FIRECREST & GOLDCREST both still here and looking healthy! Where’s that video camera Alan? I need it before they go.
At work I had Jackdaw 2, Pied Wagtail 1, F Pigeon 7, H Gull (lots).
Trevor has seen the Greenfinch with the snail on the side of his face today.
In bed early tonight…. I have to get this bird if it is what I think it is! If it isn’t… it will still be a newby for me… of that I am sure. I’m not giving up hope… life is far too short!


  1. life is far too short?? and that comes from some-one who's 4ft 11"!!!


  2. Haha - being vertically challenged can have its rewards, unless one is trying to peer over a high hedge at Golden Plover!


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