Saturday 28 February 2009

A good night's sleep and I was rocking 'n' rolling this morning!

Up bright, bushy tailed & ready to do my head count after a better night's sleep (thanks to 2 glasses of red no doubt!). I even managed to do the housework today (which I hate) singing & dancing throughout (much to the Abbot's dismay)!
Feeders stocked, worms from compost bin in full view... no point in wasting time... so let's get down to it: Blackbird 6, Dunnock 2, Starling 9, Songthrush 1, Blue Tit 2, Robin 1, H Sparrow 7, Coal Tit 2, Gt Tit 2, Blackcap (F), Chaffinch 4, H Gull 8 (& making strange howling sounds - bizarre!), Woodpigeon 4, Carrion Crow 2, Magpie 4, L T Tit 2, Goldfinch 2, Greenfinch 1 (same as the Abbot as he still has that snail?? on his cheek), Goldcrest 1, Firecrest 1.
Now, I have put up a shot of my Firecrest today & yes, I am useless at photography & it won't get any better I suspect, so if you don't like bad photography, don't look, but its your loss! I will get a perfect shot - all good things come to those who are patient!
I added to my day list when travelling through Par with: Jackdaw 9, Pied Wagtail 1, C Dove 2 & at Tesco... believe it or not... Mallard 2!
The Blackbirds are becoming too familiar. I don't mind them around my feet, but one shot around the corner of the house this morning at break-neck speed, heading straight for one of the bird tables. Having picked up some suet pellets he headed for my face at what seemed to me to be even speedier than his arrival. Seated with my back against the wall and no-where to go... for that split second I prayed he would find a steering wheel! He did, I am pleased to say!
The Magpies were also playing a dangerous game... 4 of them came down in the trees directly in front of me in what could only be described as a riot. I saw one go down & after a lot of squawking, 2 flew away. The fourth obviously did not want to leave.. to say he was bothered was an understatement. After what seemed like hours... the grounded one (which I thought may be injured and considered climbing the fence for!) flew up... & off they went. Phew!
Off out and about tomorrow and I can't wait for my next slice of action - let's hope its all I dream of!
Early to bed... early to rise Abbot x

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