Friday 27 February 2009

Dawn... Dusk...

My first bird this morning was a Robin at 3.09am, and singing for his soul by the sound of it!
Having been awake at 1.30am, 3.09am, 4.14am & 5.20am, I got up at 6.15am feeling like a zombie (and looking like one no doubt, but no-one was to witness the event thank goodness)!
Nevertheless, I decided to give the birds a treat this morning and dived into the compost bin for a handful of fresh juicy worms! They don't last long and I felt a bit cruel, but hey-ho I thought, that's the circle of life - at least they had my nice warm compost bin to enjoy when they were here and its all for a good cause!
Feeders full and seated with tea (and juice for the long haul!), notepad, pen and bins I started the count: C Crow 2, Wood Pigeon 2, Blackbird 5, Gt Tit 2, Dunnock 2, H Gull 2, Blackcap (F) (she has Greta Garbo eyes!), Robin 1, H Sparrow 6, Magpie 2, elusive Wren (heard), Chaffinch 4, LT Tits 2, Starlings 6, Blue Tit 2, Coal Tit 2 (and more interested in feeding today - obviously exhausted by yesterday’s shenanigans!)
Also had the Firecrest & Goldcrest, but not together! (I wonder how much longer they will be here to enjoy?).
The Songthrush was also serenading with that unmistakable varied repertoire, which I have become so familiar with.
I noticed the Squirrel over in the high trees causing a stir with the Carrion Crows. He made his way across to my garden, flying most of the way in mid air. He fed for around 15 minutes.
A Bee bumbled by in a sloshed kind of fashion! (A bit like the Abbot if he has a second glass of ruby!). My first Bee this year - promising.
I also noticed the midges about, so it is definitely getting milder. I think one bit me on my cheek. (on my face of course!)
I also added to the day list (at work and about): Jackdaw 2, F Pigeon 30+, Pied Wagtail and H Gull (lots).
As I draw to a close, I have to refer to tonight's heading. We always talk of how wonderful the dawn chorus is (and it is, especially at this time of year), but as I was walking my dog this evening, later than usual, the dusk chorus of mainly Blackbirds and Robins, was so enchanting. I meandered home thinking of that sweet reunion of strangers in the trees and bushes tonight as they roost and huddle up for warmth.
I am now relaxed, having put the working week behind me and looking forward with excitment to my weekend of birding!
I bet I won't sleep again, but who cares. There is so much to look forward to!

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